Adam Cooper's " Sleeping Dogs" is scheduled to release on 22nd March 2024. Russell Crowe & Karen Gillan in lead roles.


" Sleeping Dogs" is scheduled to release on 22nd March 2024 . "Sleeping Dogs" american crime mystery thriller film directed by Adam Cooper.

The film stars Russell Crowe, Karen Gillan , Marton Csokes , Tommy Flanagar ,Harry Greenwood , Thomas M.Wright , Elizabeth Blackmore  ,Lynn Gilmartion  ,Pacharo Mzembe and Paula Arundell in lead roles.

This film is based on the"  E. O.Chirovic Novel " The book of Mirrors (2017) which was adapted by Adam Cooper and Bill College and produced by Nickel City Pictures . This film mark Adam Cooper's feature length directorial debut.

Cinematography by Ben Nott , Edited by Matt Villa , Music by David Hirschfelder , Distributed by The Avenue.

Saleem P.Chacko.

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